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Monday, May 12, 2008

It was a long weekend and a wonder Mother's Day!

The weekend seemed to take a long time. Saturday was very busy doing all sorts of things, like doing laundry, cleaning up, etc. Hubby and did do one thing on Saturday that was fun. We went out and bought a new car. We don't usually buy brand new cars. We usually buy them used because of the amount of depreciation when you drive them off the lot. But, we were offered a great deal from Subaru and we met all the criteria. We also got an excellent interest rate. So we traded in our Subaru Outback for a new Subaru Outback. Very similar cars, smaller car payment, new color, 30 miles instead of 58,800 miles on the engine and new tires instead of needing to replace tires. Can't beat that!!

Sunday, Mother's Day, turned out just wonderful. We missed church, which I was sorry about, but that was pushing it for me. We went to brunch with hubby's family and my Mother. It was good food and good company, but it was so nice when everyone went their own way afterwards. I really enjoyed coming home, changing into my jeans and relaxing with my hubby and kids. We never did get a walk or hike in, because I just wasn't up to it. My Mother was tired too. She rested, then came over for a little longer visit and then went back to her area (attached apartment-like part of the house). The rest of the time hubby, son, daughter and part of the time son-in-law (he had to work closing shift) watched a movie and ate Coldstone Ice Cream!!

My Lupus must be on the upswing again. I find I'm tired today for no good reason and I'm having problems focusing on the important things I should be doing, like paying bills! Oh well, I did get 2 more items listed in my etsy shop and hope you will stop by to take a look.

If you want more information about Lupus or the related conditions, make sure you check out my list of links to Health Related Issues.

Thanks for dropping in!

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