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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Its another day!

No matter how hard we try, tomorrow always comes! Sometimes I just want to slow down the days. Sounds crazy to some of you, I'm sure. My grandmother and my mother were right. The older you get the faster time flies. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. How can that be? I don't even have a regular job? Well, I suppose part of that is due to my Lupus, but I hear my healthy friends complaining of the same problem - NO TIME!

I don't want to waste this life and no, I don't expect to leave some big legacy either. I just want to have some fun along the way. I want to know that I did my work well, raised my kids to be good people, loved God with all my heart and fun while doing it. I don't expect to be remembered a 100 years from now unless someone is still doing the family genealogy. Then I might be a name on a long line of family names.

Its hard to feel that I'm doing any of these things when I feel that I have to rush here and there and everywhere. I don't work because I'm disabled. I do make jewelry, but I don't sell enough to consider this a job. I don't do craft fairs and such, I just sell a few things on Etsy and I donate to a few good causes. Otherwise, I still do what I can around the house to keep it clean, but can't do heavy cleaning. I do the laundry. I keep on the correspondence. I keep the checkbook and do the bills. I care for my 83 year old mother who has had 2 mini strokes and has other health issues. I'm the one who holds the lifelines for the family - I don't keep them afloat - I just hold the place, like a bookmark, for the times they need an ear or shoulder and someone often does. Like people who work full time, I feel like I'm always on, even when I'm off due to my health.

How many of you feel this way? Ready to slow down? Me too! Hubby and I are looking into ways to slow down and live a more simple life. I hope you will do the same. The more we do so, the healthier we become. We are also finding that we are doing more for the betterment of the earth and our fellow man/woman.

I hadn't intended to get so philosophical today, but there you go!

See you next time!

1 comment:

Alorinna said...

I know what you mean. I keep myself so busy - full time job, writing a book, making jewelry, that weeks just fly by me.