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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Still struggling to brighten up my blog!

Today is a very rainy day and I am not motivated to do anything! I really had to struggle to sit down at the computer and not go curl up in a corner with a good book. However, here I am! I have spent a little time over at looking over my shop, commenting on the community forum threads, browsing some of the shops and meeting a few new people. I really like it over there. I just wish my sales would pick up! I seem to do better with "in person" sales than I do in my shop. I'm not sure, but I think my pictures are part of the problem. I'm working on that. I really don't want to do the craft show route. I think it could be fun, but I also think it would be exhausting. I think my health issues would be a problem there.

I've also been out looking at some of the blogs of my fellow etsian sellers. I really like some of them. They have great looks and content. I have no idea how they do it, but I'm working on that too!! Yesterday, I added my shop banner and a direct link to the shop. I also added the cute little "I love" icons to add a little color. I don't know what to add today, but I'm going to look at things to consider.

If anyone reads this and wants to make some practical suggestions, I'd certainly appreciate it. Just remember I'm new to this and might need some "how-to" help if the suggestion is to advanced. I hope this blog will eventually get some notice like the others I was reading today!

Thanks for stopping by!

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